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Everything About Marijuana Seeds in Massachusetts | Crop King Seeds

Though there are restrictions and limitations apply with regards to cultivation, consumption, and possession of marijuana, Massachusetts is still one of the states in North America that has a growing number of marijuana legalization for both medical and recreational purposes, even though the verdict came a little bit of surprise in the state. All of the poll results leading up to the formal vote proposed that a prosperous adoption of the new law was quite unavoidable. The state of Massachusetts has been known for quite some time to be one of the biggest adult marijuana consumer rates in the nation. And official legalization of recreational marijuana has brought Massachusetts to the mainstream to be one of America’s marijuana-friendly states. In this article, we will dig in more about marijuana seeds in Massachusetts.

History of Marijuana in Massachusetts

Massachusetts has a background history of marijuana dating back to the 16th century when some colonists were forced to cultivate industrial hemp. Where hemp has been widely grown in colonial America as it is a fast-growing kind of plant that is easy to propagate for many purposes, therefore Massachusetts grew the crop together with Virginia and Connecticut. Such early hemp plants all had low amounts of THC, therefore farmers did not use them for smoking, however, that didn’t stop Massachusetts from being the first state to ban cannabis. Massachusetts had passed the first legislation in the United States banning the selling of cannabis in 1911, except for licensed physician pharmacists. And in 1914, some claimed that the state first prohibited drugs, but it waited almost another 100 years for all the states to enact new laws. Voters passed a ballot measure to decriminalize possession of marijuana by 2008 so that adults could now possess around 1 ounce of weed and grow up to 6 mature marijuana plants. Then, in 2012, again, voters stepped forward by legalizing medical cannabis, so now patients with qualifying conditions could buy cannabis from licensed clinics. Massachusetts keeps moving forward with the legalization of cannabis, as the state is close to creating a controlled market for cannabis just like alcohol.

Historical Timeline of Marijuana in Massachusetts

The 1600s – William Shakespeare may have smoked marijuana

“Thackeray et al. published in the South African Journal of Science the findings of chemical analysis of surrounding smoking pipes going back to the early 17th century and the plant residues of Stratford-upon-Avon. The pipe bowls and stems of Thackeray had been borrowed from the Shakespeare Birth Confidence in Stratford-upon-Avon. Many of the pipes were already dug up from the garden of William Shakespeare. Results of the study (along with 24 pipe shards) revealed Marijuana in 8 samples, nicotine (from Raleigh-associated tobacco leaves) in at least 1 sample, plus (in two samples) firm proof of Peruvian narcotics. Thackeray (unreleased book) indicates that Shakespeare favored Marijuana as a muscle relaxant with mind-stimulating effects.”

1611-1762 – Jamestown Settlers Brought Cannabis to North America

“The settlers of Jamestown introduced the cannabis plant, commonly called hemp, in North America around 1611, and hemp fibre was also an exemplary model during the colonial era. And in 1762, ‘Virginia granted bonuses for the production and manufacture of hemp and levied fines on anyone who did not produce it.”

1621 – Famous English Mental Health Book Suggests Marijuana for Mental Illness

Robert Burton an Oxford scholar and English theologian proposed marijuana as a treatment for depression throughout his famous and then still successful book The Anatomy of Melancholy in 1621.

1652 – Nicholas Culpeper Herbalist Writings on Medical Applications of Hemp

“Nicholas Culpeper the great British herbalist (1616–1654) stated in his book The English Physician that hemp extraction ‘allayeth Inflammations in the Head and can help ease the pain of the Gout. Knots in the Joynts, and the pain of the Hips and the Sinews. The preparation of Culpeper has possibly had very little psychoactivity as indigenous hemp cultivated within northern latitudes had comparatively low THC content.

1745-1775-George Washington is growing hemp

“Washington’s journal entries show that George cultivated hemp at Mount Vernon for around 30 years. Then according to his agricultural transactions, George had a specific interest in the therapeutic use of Marijuana, and many of his journal entries show that he indeed was cultivating Marijuana with a high THC content.”

1774-1824-Thomas Jefferson develops the hemp of Monticello

“Thomas Jefferson grew hemp, however, there is no proof to indicate that Jefferson was really a frequent smoker of tobacco, cannabis, or any other drug. Some have referred to a presumed link in Farm Book of Jefferson to the separation of females and males hemp plants as proof that he cultivated them for recreational use; still, no link occurs in Farm Book of Jefferson or any other text, though George Washington has recorded such a point inside his own journal.”

1799-Napoleon Powers Brought Marijuana from Egypt to France

Napoleon tries to invade Egypt with forces including a science expedition team. Besides finding in 1799 the Rosetta Stone, the company brought marijuana back to France. Marijuana has been studied for sedative effects and pain relief in Europe and has become more widely accepted in Western medicine.

1840-Medical Cannabis comes to the United Kingdom through William O’Shaughnessy and is allegedly used among Queen Victoria to Menstrual Cramps.

“In 1842, Marijuana was brought back in British medicine by Dr. William O’Shaughnessy, a military physician who had served in India. These were commonly used during the Victorian era for a number of diseases, like menstrual cramps, muscle spasms, convulsions of tetanus, and rheumatism, epilepsy, and rabies; it has also been used to facilitate uterine contractions in labor, and also as a sleeping pill to induce sleep. It was said to be used for Queen Victoria toward heavy periods: there really is no real evidence of it at all, but for many years Sir Robert Russell, her personal doctor, wrote several books on marijuana, suggesting for use in the dysmenorrhoea. And it was delivered by mouth, not smoking, and typically consisted of a tincture. Marijuana extracts have also been introduced into several various information medicines.”

The 1840s – Cannabis is now a common drug in the West

” Marijuana appeared as conventional medicine in the West in the 19th Century. In the 1840s, research by a French physician Jacques-Joseph Moreau discovered that cannabis relieved  increased appetites, headaches, and helps people to sleep.”

1850 – Hemp introduced to the US Pharmacopeia

“Cannabis had made its place to the US Pharmacopeia  in 1850, which identified cannabis as a cure for many diseases, including tetanus, neuralgia, typhus, cholera, dysentery, rabies, alcoholism, anthrax, opiate abuse, leprosy, gout, incontinence, convulsive diseases, tonsil, excessive menstrual bleeding, insanity, and uterine bleeding.”

1889 – The Lancet Outlines Usage of Opium Withdrawal Marijuana

Dr. E. A. Birch’s report in The Lancet, while one of the world’s top medical diary in 1889, explained the use of marijuana for the cure of chloral hydrate withdrawal and opium symptoms: the combination decreased the desire for opium and served as an antiemetic.

1893-1894  -Indian Hemp Committee lists a variety of medicinal applications of marijuana

“Consideration about marijuana as an intoxicating substance drives the Government of India to set up the Indian Hemp Commission of 1893 to 1894 to investigate the problem of marijuana usage in India.” The study cites the use of marijuana as an “anticoagulant, a renovator of power, a hemostat, an ecbolic, and an antidiuretic. “Marijuana is also referred to as an aid in the treatment of seasonal allergies, cholera, gonorrhea, dysentery, diabetes, urinary incontinence, impotence, swelling of the testicles, chronic ulcers, and granulation of open sores. Other positive effects linked to marijuana include avoiding alleviating anxiety, insomnia, alleviating hunger,  helping to concentrate attention, and supporting against cholera.”

1900 – The Used of Marijuana for Asthma, Appetite Loss and Bronchitis in South Asia

“Marijuana was among the most important medical products in the Indian Materia Medica also at the turn of the millennium. And it was, and it still is, commonly used throughout rural communities of the Indian subcontinent  for bronchitis,  asthma, and loss of appetite.”

1906-  The Pure Food and Drugs Law requires the marking of medical products, like marijuana

“President Roosevelt agreed to sign the Food and Drugs Act in 30 June 1906, simply known as the Wiley Act. The premise of the legislation placed on the legislation of product labeling instead of pre-market authorization.”

1911 – Massachusetts Has become The first State of Outlaw Marijuana

“Strengthened by the gilded age of faith throughout the government overreach, the 1910s labeled a high tide of prohibitionist sentiment in America. In 1914 -1916, the prohibition of alcohol projects might create a state vote. In the meantime, the parliament was addressing ethical concerns like gambling racetracks, prostitution, prizefighting, oral sex, and liquor.  In the middle of this abundance of temptations, Indian hemp or cannabis was only a slight ordinary thing, states banned marijuana in the 1910s. In 1911 Massachusetts, Maine, Indiana, and Wyoming; in 1913, New York City; in 1914, Vermont and Utah; In 1915; Nevada and Colorado. Like in California, these kinds of laws were passed not because of rampant use and other concerns regarding marijuana, but as government frameworks to prevent long term use.”

January 1915 – President Wilson Agreed to Signs Harrison Act, the Version for the Regulation of Future Drugs

“Francis B. Harrison (D-NY) spokesperson introduced three bills in 1913 to fix the drug issues by attempting to control the domestic manufacturing of opium and controlling global trade in opium. As per his bills, opium can only be shipped or transferred for medical uses. Harrison already suggested that the government must impose a special tax on all persons who sell or give away opium. By January 1915, President Woodrow Wilson agreed to sign all three of Harrison’s initiatives into legislation. 

The Harrison Act, as the penultimate proposition was recognized, needed every doctor who recommended opium or any of derivative products to give a product code, which can only be acquired from the Department of Internal Revenue, from each medication. Each doctor that hoped to prescribe drugs had to sign up with the federal government every year.” 

Even though it does not implement cannabis, the Harrison Act is a framework for the legislation of drugs at the national level and has been considered to become the foundation of the Cannabis Tax Act of 1937.

The 1930s – American Pharmaceutical Companies selling are marijuana extracts as medications

“As production for cannabis-based drugs speeded up, the pharmaceutical industry tried continuously to generate reliable and potent hemp-based drugs. And by the 1930s, at least 2 US corporations – Eli Lily and Parke-Davis  – had sold streamlined extracts of cannabis to be used as an analgesic, sedative drug, and antispasmodic. Another manufacturer, Grimault & Company, advertised weed cigarettes as a cure for asthma.

1938-1944 – The LaGuardia Report concludes that cannabis is less hazardous than generally believed

In 1938, Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia of New York City requested that the New York Academy of Medication perform a cannabis inquiry. The 1944 report, entitled “The Marihuana Issue in the City of New York,” but usually referred to it as the “LaGuardia Report,” asserts that several assertions about the effects of drugs are overstated or false.

Nov. 24, 1976 – Federal Judge decided Robert Randall’s use of cannabis as a “Medically Necessary”

“In 1976, a Washington, DC man named Robert Randall who is suffering from glaucoma employed the little-used Civil Law Doctrine of Necessity to protect himself toward perjury prosecution of growing marijuana. On November 24, 1976, Federal Prosecutor James Washington governed that the use of cannabis by Randall was really a ‘health concern.” Judge Washington has disregarded the perjury prosecution toward Randall. Simultaneous with such a judicial decision, government agencies replying to a case brought by Randall in May 1976 have provided this patient with legitimate, FDA-approved access to state equipment of medical cannabis. Randall was the very first American to obtain cannabis for the diagnosis of a health condition.” 

1980 –  Synthetic Version of THC, Marinol, and Smoked Cannabis Evaluated for People With cancer

 “The National Cancer Institute (NCI) actually started the innovative spread of a synthetic medicine called Marinol in 1980, an oral form of THC, to people with cancer in San Francisco. Concurrently, 6 states conducted research trying to compare smoked cannabis to oral THC to cancer patients who did not react to traditional antifungal drugs. These state-sponsored researches have shown that a number of patients have found cannabis secure and much more efficient, unlike synthetic THC. In the meantime, NCI’s studies have shown that some patients are responding well with Marinol.  In the face of 2 distinct treatment regimens, the government decided to reject government research and start giving Marinol the green signal.”

1989 – Francis Young the DEA Administrator Overrules and commands Marijuana to stay in Schedule

“In 1989, Jack Lawn the DEA Administrator overruled the choice with one administrative judge which was Francis Young who had already agreed with cannabis advocacy groups that cannabis must be relocated from Schedule I to Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act. The whole proposed schedule change of cannabis might have enabled physicians to write prescription smoking marijuana as a treatment under the law for certain types of cannabis. Administrator Lawn argued that there had been no therapeutic advantage to smoking cannabis and  that cannabis must stay a prescription drug of Schedule I.”

June 1991 – The Federal Government has Suspends IND Compassionate Use Medical Cannabis Program

“The government mandate that offered free cannabis for severely ill people is now being carried out by Health and Human Services authorities who stated it undermines the Bush government’s policy towards the consumption of illegal drugs, as per HHS officials. Whereas a significant percentage of patients who have already received marijuana would also proceed to use it, new applicants will also be tempted to identify synthetic aspects of delta-9-THC, the psychoactive chemical in cannabis, instead of weed itself, in accordance with a current policy guideline signed by James O. Mason, head of the Public Health Service. ‘If it is perceived that the Public Health Service is offering cannabis to people, there will be a view that it can’t be all that bad,’ Mason said. ‘It’s a bad signal.”

Whereas only 6 people received cannabis under the program, the FDA has received 28 applications in the past year and were concerned that this would be deluged with hundreds more than in the following months, as per the officials.”

1994 – Assistant Secretary of Health declares the final ruling not to restart the IND Compassionate Consumption Medicinal Cannabis Program

“As you would recall, in the year 1992, Dr. James Mason, the Assistant Secretary of Health for the Bush Administration, closed the Single Patient IND Program of the FDA’s for patients with medical cannabis as it was rising too large, too noticeable, too time-consuming, and too costly for the FDA to administer. In a message sent out in mid-July to Representative Barney Frank, and some other senators and congressmen who had approached him on this subject, Dr. Lee confirmed that he had eventually made a conclusion on his plan of events. Dr. Lee implied that he had made the decision not to restart the Compassionate Access Program. Dr. Lee did not give any government support for research, but noted that only FDA-approved research could fix this dispute.”

1995 – Second petition filed with the Cannabis Research Reschedule

The former National Director of the National Organization for the Reform of the Laws on Marijuana (NORML), Jon Gettman, filed legal action against cannabis Schedule I, which restricted cannabis position, with the support of the High Times Magazine. The 275-page proposal is submitted with the DEA and queries cannabis and THC to be removed from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act since neither of them has the potential for abuse required by law for this forbidden position.

1998 – Congress Prevents the execution of the Medicinal Cannabis Act in District Court

“In September of 1998, the House discussed and passed a resolution stating that Congress represents the new federal drug authorization trial to assess if any drug, such as cannabis, is effective and safe under the headline ‘Not Legalizing Cannabis for Medicinal Purposes” In a different constitution to the very same act, Congress avoided the Government of the District of Columbia from counting votes of the 1998 voted-approved initiative which would have permitted the marijuana for medical purposes. The constitution known as the Barr constitution for its funder Bob Barr of Georgia was questioned and overruled by the District Court, the ballot boxes were recorded and the resolution passed between 69% and 31%. However, given further difficulties to the court, Congress proceeded to restrict the execution of this initiative.”

May 14, 2001 – The Supreme Court Rules “There really is no medical need other than the Controlled Substances Bill”

The Oakland Marijuana Buyers’ Cooperative, coordinated for the distribution of cannabis for medical purposes to qualified patients, has been prosecuted by the US government to force the Cooperative to stop operating. The DC rejected the defense of the Cooperative that cannabis was medically appropriate, but the Ninth Circuit overruled its refusal. On 14 May 2001, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled 8-0 that “that there’s no medically necessary exception to Controlled Substances Act’s restrictions on producing and distributing cannabis.”

2007 – DEA Constitutional Law Judge Advises the New Origin of Cannabis for Studies

DEA Administrative Law Judge Mary Ellen Bittner issues a non-binding ruling on 12 February 2007 that Lyle E. Craker, Ph.D., must be encouraged to cultivate medical cannabis for research from the University of Massachusetts. The ruling states that “there’s really presently insufficient knowledge of cannabis accessible for study purposes.

2009-  DEA Rejects Judge’s decision to allow a new source of cannabis for studies

The DEA dismisses the recommendation of Mary Ellen Bittner the Administrative Law Judge on 12 February 2007 to enable Professor Lyle Craker to cultivate marijuana for study purposes at the University of Massachusetts. The DEA maintains that the current supply of cannabis for the study is “sufficient and undisturbed.

2011 – DEA Areas 5 Synthetic Cannabinoids in Schedule I, Citing “Imminent Hazard”

“The DEA has issued this final order for the temporary inclusion of five synthetic cannabinoids also in the Controlled Substances Act pursuant to the Temporary Timetable Regulations. This behavior is based on the Administrator’s discovery that the positioning of such synthetic cannabinoids in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act is essential to affirm this action. The success of these THC-like synthetic cannabinoids has increased significantly across the US, and that they are mistreated for their psychoactive properties as reported by law enforcement, the scientific literature, and the medical community.

2016 – DEA Considers Moving Cannabis to Less-The Restrictive Drug Schedule

“In a message sent by the Agency to federal legislators this week, the DEA states that it plans to publish a choice on the rescheduling of cannabis ‘in the first half of 2016.’ Marijuana is officially classified as one of the most restrictive federal drug legislation in Schedule I. Moving cannabis with a less restrictive schedule will also boost drug research and the development of cannabis pharmacy. However, it would also be doubtful that the cultivation or possession of raw cannabis by individuals will be any less illegal under federal law. And that it would probably do little to put an end to the confrontation between the states and the feds that have legalized marijuana.”

2019 – The United States Government Allocates $3M for Pain and CBD Research

“The government of the United State is going to spend $3 million to find out if cannabis can alleviate symptoms of pain, but neither of the money is going to be used to research the part of the plant that makes people high.”

Dec. 4, 2020 – United State House of Commons Marijuana Legalization Bill

The House passed the marijuana legalization bill to remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act and add a 5% cannabis tax to help people that were most affected by cannabis criminalization and also to fund community and local business subsidies. Although the bill is unlikely to be passed by the existing Republican-controlled Legislature, this is the first time either cabinet has passed such an act. 

Medical Marijuana in Massachusetts

In November 2012, 63% of voters in Massachusetts approved Question 3 of the Massachusetts Medicinal Cannabis Initiative. The law came into force on 1 January 2013, removing civil and criminal punishments for consumption and possession of up to 60 days of cannabis supplies for patients with a state-licensed registration card. A doctor’s prescription allows patients with glaucoma, cancer, and other medical conditions to receive a registration card. The law provides for 35 state-licensed non-profit marijuana dispensaries. The Department of Public Health of Massachusetts has till May 2013 to release further regulatory requirements. The cannabis dispensaries would not be able to open till the regulations have also been established. The Massachusetts Medical Society rejects the bill, stating there is no scientific evidence that cannabis is effective and safe. And after the law was passed, the cities tried to ban marijuana dispensaries. Martha M. Coakley an Attorney General, ruled that towns and cities cannot and could only enforce dispensaries. Full restrictions would have been in conflict with the law.

Recreational Marijuana in Massachusetts

In the election of November 8, 2016, voters in Massachusetts have passed a voting initiative (Question 4) to legalize recreational marijuana in the state. The provisions for home cultivation and consumption came into force on 15 December 2016. Individuals are legally allowed to purchase and possess up to 1 ounce at a time, and when driving, they should be tied away and not publicly visible. Also, every household could even cultivate around 6 plants or 12 for those with much more than one adult, but the plants cannot be seen from the road. Households may store up to 10 ounces or even more if they are harvested from the home crop. Marijuana growers have a multi-tier structure for the type of permit those who can apply for and have the added proviso that they’ll only purchase cannabis establishments as dispensaries but cannot sell directly to consumers.

Breakdown of Marijuana Laws in Massachusetts


In November 2012, 63% of voters supported Question 3, making the state of Massachusetts the 18th state in the US to legally allow the medical use of marijuana. Under the medical marijuana law, which entered into force in 2013, eligible patients 18 years of age or older with certain severe medical conditions may consume and possess marijuana when they have a doctor’s prescription. And without the proper documents for medical cannabis, possession of medical cannabis in Massachusetts is not acceptable. Under the new law in Massachusetts on recreational marijuana, adults 21 years of age and older can legally possess around 1 ounce of marijuana or 5 grams of marijuana concentrate outside their house and up to 10 ounces of cannabis inside their residence. In addition, adults can legally possess and grow around 6 marijuana plants with an upper limit of 12 for every household.

Purchasing Limitations

In Massachusetts, the amount of medical cannabis that a patient could legally purchase is currently limited to up to 60 day supply of around 10 ounces per medication from a dispensary. Medical marijuana patients may be able to buy more if their doctor considers it a medical necessity. Recreational dispensaries are formally open to the public on 20 November 2018. Adults 21 years of age and older with a valid, government-issued Identification Card can legally purchase around 1 ounce of cannabis or 5 grams of marijuana concentrate.


Even though recreational and medical marijuana is both legal in the state of Massachusetts, public consumption is still unlawful. This includes parks, public transport, schools, sidewalks, and much more, as a general rule, discretion is vital. At this moment in time, legal marijuana use is only limited to private homes only. Conversations have been held about whether or not the state would also legally allow marijuana social lounges in the future, however, the lawmakers have already decided to hold back for the time being.

Medical Marijuana

A doctor’s prescription or certification is a document signed by a physician who asserts that the benefits of using cannabis outweigh the risks in your case. The medical certification also sets out the chronic illness, that may include any of the following:

Bear in mind that the law on medical cannabis in Massachusetts does not legally allow qualified patients to acquire medical certification from any physician. The patients should have a “legitimate physician-patient relationship” to help stop medical mills from making headlines and cranking out basic medical marijuana certificates. Under the law, a legitimate doctor-patient connection exists among physicians acting on a regular basis and the patient to whom they have had an extensive medical visit. The doctor should fulfill and document the assessment of the current medical conditions and the medical history of the patient, justify the benefits and risks of cannabis use, and perform a role in the diagnosis and continuing care of patients. Usually, these accreditations would also cost around $200. The patients also need to sign up with the Cannabis Medical Use Program to obtain an Identification card that can legally allow them to have medicinal cannabis. The registration fee would be $50 except if your income is below 300% of federal poverty. Once authorized, the patients would need their program Identification card and a state-issued photo ID to legally purchase or possess medical marijuana. And once the patient has been certified and registered, they are permitted to have a 6 day supply.

Driving under the Influence of Marijuana

In Massachusetts, driving under marijuana influence will lead to an OUI (operating under influence) charge, a felony offense for the very first offense.  Although some states require a minimum amount of cannabis to be present in your system to validate impairment, Massachusetts does not have that minimum. However, an impairment decision is made on case-by-case grounds. If you are found guilty of an OUI, the punishment ranges from heavy fines, jail time, license suspension, and more.

Exporting of Marijuana

Although both recreational and medical marijuana is legal in the state of Massachusetts, cannabis is still an illegal substance under federal law. This implies that if you’re traveling across state lines, you can be prosecuted with a criminal offense at the federal level. Likewise, you may be charged with possession in a state which does not legally allow marijuana, even if you’re a legally registered medical cannabis patient in Massachusetts. Some other states allow medicinal cannabis to be reciprocal with the other states, which also implies that they are honoring one another’s prescriptions for medical cannabis. Even so, it still doesn’t imply you could really transport cannabis all over state lines. But, you’re likely to have to register with the state government you are visiting and buy any medicinal cannabis you want from a dispensary in that specific state.

Transporting of Marijuana

It is illegal to transport cannabis to Massachusetts unless you’re an adult 21 years of age and older, registered medicinal cannabis patient, caregiver, or registered dispensary agent. Patients with valid medical marijuana identification cards are legally allowed to possess as much cannabis as their doctor recommends for a 60-day supply. As mentioned above, this limit is 10 ounces except as otherwise prescribed by the doctor. Registered caregivers can legally transport the patient from and to the marijuana clinic or buy cannabis from the clinic for the patient and transport this to the patient. And the dispensary agents are permitted to transport cannabis to many other dispensaries, running tests services and caregivers’ and certified patients’ residences. Adults 21 years of age and older are legally allowed to transport and carry 1 ounce of cannabis or 5 grams of cannabis concentrate within their legal limits.

Massachusetts Federal Land and Properties

Although Massachusetts legally allows recreational and medical marijuana, the federal government level does not allow it. That implies you can be prosecuted with a federal felony if you were apprehended with cannabis on federal property, such as forests, parks, and monuments. And your medicinal cannabis registration card is not going to do you any good with federal prosecutors, so if you are visiting federal properties, keep your weeds at home.


The Massachusetts Medicinal Cannabis Act legally allows both registered caregivers and patients to purchase their medicinal marijuana from a dispensary and will also lead to “hardship.” This indicates that their availability to dispensaries is restricted by recorded financial difficulties, physical way to obtain transportation or absence of a dispensary within such a good range from the patients’ residences. Patients may also receive a written recommendation from their licensed physicians to legally cultivate cannabis as of 2013. For all those who qualify for the exception to hardship, they or their caregivers could well grow a limited amount of cannabis plants as many as are adequate to provide a 60-day supply. They could only store and cultivate their cannabis in an enclosed, isolated environment hidden from the public. Cannabis may be grown in the caregiver’s main home or in the patient’s home, but not together.

Growing Marijuana Seeds In Massachusetts Weather

If you are planning to grow marijuana seeds in Massachusetts, well the season there lasts about May until November, just make sure you pick the right strains. Kush strains are great choices for newbies to consider. Starting from seed if possible to prevent any unexpected difficulties that could be brought into your growing area. You cannot be positive, beginning with clones or clipping, which they won’t introduce pests, bacteria, or other pathogens in your garden. If you do have space, keep new plants in lockdown for a while to avoid allowing the pathogens incorporated to spread to existing plants. And if you are taking full advantage of the outdoor growing season in Massachusetts, it is important to be mindful that it’s spanning 3 different seasons spring, summer, and fall, and each has its own particular weather. While falling in other regions may be an even more mild climate, Massachusetts appears to have far more rainfall. A long, relatively automatic way creates ideal conditions for stuff like mold to grow. But although Massachusetts also isn’t known for prolonged periods of blazing heat in the summer, there are several periods of very little to no rain which can create issues when you’re unable to water your plants consistently. 

Top 5 Marijuana Seeds That Can Be Easily Grown In Massachusetts

Girls Scout Cookies Extreme

Girls Scout Cookies Extreme belongs to the Indica family of strains. Offspring off with OG Kush and Durban Poison, this jackpot of marijuana with a high amount of CBD and THC, making it very helpful for alleviating depression, anxiety, and pain-relieving issues. It can also help as an anti-inflammatory agent. If you hit this strain, it emits a pungent smell, with a diesel-like aroma. The frequency arises from the tangy flavor of a diesel cookie combined with a touch of earthiness to maintain it out.

Super Skunk

This strain is famous for having euphoric effects, the Super Skunk is also famous for being one of the best cannabis in the industry. Its smoke is packed with a chilling feeling all throughout the body which relieves the body and mind with a little bit of locking effect on the couch. It is the Indica-dominant strain, and it is an amazing strain on those who seek to free their minds from all of the undesirable, negative thoughts and emotions that cloud their minds. Users are more likely to become more aware of their surroundings after they smoke marijuana. Notorious as its effects, its aroma is skunky and strong, but it still gives a delightful feeling. People that wish to use marijuana for medicinal purposes may be helped by this strain. It could also help people with poor sleeping timelines and get better sleep. It is also a good pain reliever because it helps people with pain or cramps.

Strawberry Kush

Strawberry Kush is a great alternative for novice smokers to work with new weeds because its impacts are not that overwhelming. This strain is the offspring of the potent strain, Strawberry Cough and OG Kush, so it has both effects. People who are looking for a non-medicinal substitute for chronic pain and ache problems could use this strain as a great pain reliever. And it also comes with a plethora of positive feelings and emotions which can quickly produce your mind’s negativity. Also, it calms your mind by battling anxiety and depression. Just like any other strains, it also helps people who are suffering from insomnia, it can give you a good sleep. This strain may also be suggested for people who have cancer that is unable to maintain a healthy diet caused by chemical diagnosis. It makes munchies which can help individuals have a decent meal.


This strain is quite a notorious and powerful weed like its gun equivalents. This strain is famous for helping treat mental illness, like depression or anxiety. And if you want to feel relaxed without having to worry about what you’re going to do, that is the strain on you. It is quite productive for people who are looking for medical help, and also many people are also recommending it. This strain is also good for physical problems like spasms or chronic pain. Its after-effects are moderate, not really very high, or long-lasting, so newbie stoners could use it even during their everyday routines to keep things interesting and creative without causing problems for themselves. It also helps people to develop a stronger bond with their diet. People who are struggling to have a good meal asserted that they had better appetites after taking this ganja.

OG Kush

This strain is famous to marijuana users for its significant THC level, and OG kush is also famous for its stoning high effects. This Indica-dominant weed is internationally renowned because of its recreational and also medicinal benefits. It has a long-lasting relaxing impact on the body, helping people to relax and also get rid of pain, migraines, muscle spasms, and a lot more. Its powerful pain-relieving attributes could be attributed to strong CBD content that originates with that as well. And if you feel like you are vomiting, always remember that this strain can also help to deal with nausea. It is great for people who are dealing with mental illness, too. It allows people to fight anxiety and depression. It helps ease the body, trying to clear all negative thoughts that block the mind. It really is perfect for people searching to remedy insomnia, too.

Dispensaries in Massachusetts

NETA Northampton

Cannabis store in Northampton, Massachusetts

Address: 118 Conz St, Northampton, MA 01060, United States

Phone: +1 413-727-8415

Theory Wellness: Recreational and Medical Marijuana Dispensary MA

Cannabis store in Great Barrington, Massachusetts

Address: 394 Stockbridge Rd, Great Barrington, MA 01230, United States

Phone: +1 413-650-5527

Northeast Alternatives Marijuana Dispensary Fall River, MA

Cannabis store in Fall River, Massachusetts

Address: 999 William S Canning Blvd, Fall River, MA 02721, United States

Phone: +1 508-567-6761

Theory Wellness: Medical Marijuana Dispensary MA

Cannabis store in Bridgewater, Massachusetts

Address: 1050 Elm St, Bridgewater, MA 02324, United States

Phone: +1 508-296-9250

Patriot Care Lowell (Adult Use/Medical)

Cannabis store in Lowell, Massachusetts

Address: 70 Industrial Ave E, Lowell, MA 01852, United States

Phone: +1 978-289-1088

Latest Marijuana News in Massachusetts

Marijuana legalization, supported by the Massachusetts committee, can put a $7B dent in the federal deficit

Efforts to legalize and tax marijuana, which is strongly supported by Massachusetts advocates and lawmakers, can cut the federal budget to $7 billion in the next coming decades. 

In addition to addressing many of the marijuana advocates and Massachusetts Democrats call racists drug laws which have a disproportionate effect on color communities, the marijuana legalization bill recently passed by the House of Representatives can possibly shave approximately $1.2 billion off of the already increasing federal budget by 2025, and probably $7.3 billion by 2030, as per a recent non-party assessment.

Advocates of the Cannabis Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act are trying to press for the elimination of federal cannabis convictions as well as the release of the government to adopt their own laws and develop new economic probabilities. Leading progressives hope that a large jump in income and a severe deficit reduction can help to get assistance from Republicans in the United States.

Continue Reading…

News Source: https://www.masslive.com/marijuana/2020/12/cannabis-legalization-backed-by-massachusetts-delegation-could-put-7b-dent-in-federal-deficit.html

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